It’s February which means the Disc Golf Pro Tour is almost upon us. Who do you have as the top 5 MPO players heading into the 2022 season? Here are my top 5, and why I think they deserve to be there. 


Honorable Mentions

#7 Adam Hammes – Hammes is one of the best putters on tour, and putting is arguably the most important skill to have in disc golf. This makes Adam a threat to win at any event. He won two elite series events last year, and if he can stay consistent will have a chance to win this year as well.

#6 Kyle Klein – I am from Michigan so I want Kyle to succeed more than your average disc golf fan. Kyle was on a hot streak to end the year last year, and I believe he will stay hot. Can Crush Boy number 3 continue his dominance or will he level out? Kyle is young which is both exciting and nerve wracking. There is tons of potential, but does he have the experience to go with? And does it matter? We will have to see what he can do in 2022.

Top 5

#5 Chris Dickerson – The Robot Chicken has been known to hold off until the tour rotates toward the east side of the country. In signing his new deal with Discraft he will be making the track to more events. He has dominated the east side of the state for years. I am excited to see what he can do, and if he can continue his dominance at more open/long courses. 

#4 Calvin Heimburg –  Calvin had a weird finish to end the year. His putting was barely off as he was caging much more putts than he usually does. He’s had an entire off season to fix this, and add to his game. I think Calvin bounces back to the consistent player he is known to be. Heimborg will be back in the top 4 like he never left!


#3 Eagle McMahon – Eagle is coming off of a shoulder injury, which is why he has to be #3 to start the year. He could arguably drop lower, but his past dominance is deserving of this spot to start the year. Can he still chuck a disc sidearm like he used to? Or will we see more backhands this year, and will it matter? Also, Rainmaker. What a great name for a putter.

#2 Ricky Wysocki – Ricky has had a great off season. Signing with Dynamic Discs was massive for both his game and his finances. He is not going to have to worry about finances for a while, which means 100% focus on being great. But could this also be a bad thing? You see it in other sports all the time. Once they get the massive contract they take the foot off the gas. Ricky doesn’t strike me as that type of guy. I think he competes for the number one spot again, like he does year after year. 

#1 Paul McBeth – At the end of the day, the top 3 guys on this list are always going to be competing for the #1 spot. Paul is the GOAT in my opinion so until someone dethrones him I can’t remove him from the #1 spot. There has been a lot of hype and chatter around Ricky being the #1 disc golfer heading into the 2022 season. I think this is fuel to Paul’s fire. Paul has “mamba mentality” and I think he is hungry for success.


2022 will be even more crazy than last year. There’s more talent, and the growth of the sport isn’t stopping. We are going to see most tournaments decided by a few strokes or less. The days of Paul and Ricky dominating are long gone, and that’s a good thing for the sport. I am super hype for this year and can’t wait to see how it plays out! 

What do you think? Let me know on twitter @nkidder15